Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocab #9

aficionado: an ardent devotee; fan, enthusiast.

browbeat: to intimidate by overbearing looks or words; bully

commensurate: having the same measure; of equal extent or duration.

diaphanous: very sheer and light; almost completely transparent or translucent.

emolument: profit, salary, or fees from office or employment; compensation for services

foray: a quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder

genre: a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like

homily: a sermon, usually on a Biblical topic and usually of a nondoctrinal nature.

immure: to shut in; seclude or confine.

insouciant: free from concern, worry, or anxiety; carefree; nonchalant.

matrix: something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops

obsequies: a funeral rite or ceremony.

panache: a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair

persona: a person's perceived or evident personality, as that of a well-known official, actor, or celebrity; personal image; public role.

philippic: a bitter or impassioned speech of denunciation; invective

prurient: having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc.

sacrosanct: extremely sacred or inviolable

systemic: of or pertaining to a system.

tendentious: having or showing a definite tendency, bias, or purpose

vicissitude: a change or variation occurring in the course of something.


  1. Woah that is awesome, your background moves! Or maybe that is just my eyes, but it is still great either way! Anyways I love the added music player, it really helps us get a glimpse into your personality! Do you have any tips on how to study the vocab for the final?
    -Amara Sharp
    Hey Samantha, I just wanted to introduce my self, because I don't think we have ever met. Anyways I love your blog's background. It is easy to read yet it's ascetically pleasing. I have one more quick question and that is about what book you are planning to read for this lit circle.
    Amara Sharp

  2. Whoa! your profile background is so trippy. I enjoy loosing myself in it. I really like how you have personalized your blog with the cool background and music player. I like the translation button. My question to you is how are you going to prepare for the final for this class?
